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Referenciáink / Partnereink

Nick Flint, Nagy Britanniából
" Az ingatlanvásárlás és –felújitás félelmetes tapasztalat lehet, különösen ha az ember 1500km távolságra van a helyszíntől! Elengedhetetlen volt számunkra az a helybeli tapasztalat, amelyre támaszkodhattunk a folyamat minden egyes szakaszában: megismerkedni egy régi kőház felújításának lehetőségeivel, megtalálni és felfogadni a kivitelezőket, és irányítani a munkát egészen a felújítás befejeztéig. A Croatia Ingatlan Management Ingatlaniroda csapata rendkívüli munkát végzett! Végigvezettek minket a teljes folyamaton, rendszeresen értesítettek minket és szakszerűen irányították az egész vállalkozást. A következő vállalkozásomhoz is őket fogom választani!

Nagyon köszönök minden segítséget! "


Steven Hollas, Nagy Britanniából
" 2004-ben kerestem fel a spliti irodát. Volt egy ingatlan listám, melyeket az ő honlapjukról válogattam, és tanácsadóként segítettek nekem átrostálni ezeket. Figyelembe vettük az én körülményeimet és egyeltalán nem voltak részrehajlóak. Azután megbeszéltünk egy napot, amikor meglátogattuk a potenciálisan megfelelő ingatlanokat. A látogatások során tényszerűen ismertették az ingatlanok előnyeit és hátrányait, és egy pillanatra sem éreztem, hogy bármelyikre is rá szeretnének beszélni. Amikor kiválasztottam az ingatlant, szakszerüen és hatékonyan tárgyaltak a tulajdonossal, hogy mindkettőnk számára elfogadható megállapodást hozzanak létre. Miután visszatértem Angliába, lebonyolították helyettem a vásárlást és a folyamat minden részletéről értesítettek. Teljeskörű szakértelmüknek köszönhetően aggodalom nélkül tudtam házat vásárolni..

Miután sokat vagyok távol, felajánlották  ingatlan karbantartási szolgálatukat. Mivel nem szándékoztam kiadni a nyaralómat, nem a szokásos menedzsment csomagra volt szükségem, viszont egyértelműen segítség kellett ahoz, hogy be tudjak rendezkedni. Következésképpen átvették tőlem a fogyasztói számlák rendezését, elvállalták, hogy felkeresik és megbízzák a különböző szerelésekhez és javításokhoz szükséges szerelőket, és felveszik a kapcsolatot a telefon társasággal a telefon- és internet szolgáltatást illetően. Nem hivatalosan azt is megbeszéltük, hogy időnként kiürítik a postaládámat.

Az összes megbízást gyorsan és lelkiismeretesen teljesítették, és gondolkodás nélkül ujra őket alkalmaznám, ha további segítségre lenne szükségem."

Jeremy A, London
"I first contacted PMC for general property management - checking my house every other month, paying my bills, arranging cleaning etc. When we met in Croatia we discussed my plans for some quite major renovation of my 5 floor town house in Sibenik. I'd tried a number of times before to get work done in my house but I couldn't find someone able to project manage the whole thing - dealing with builders, neighbours, local bylaws etc. Mario and team were fantastic. Not only did they find an amazing builder that they trusted, they represented me and my requirements every step of the way - negotiating with the builder  to keep costs down and quality at the highest level.

The work itself comprised complete removal of a 5 floor wooden staircase without removing the joining bedrooms and living room. Many of the other architects I approached were convinced that the only way to repair the staircase was to remove all of the floors and ceilings. But amazingly PMC and their builders were able to carefully remove the old staircase and insert a beautiful iron and wooden construction. The difference in the house is incredible - what was the worst part of the house (dark, steep, uneven staircase) is now the centre piece. The builder on my job, Robi, has an excellent eye for detail and made recommendations such as exposing the stonework, installing marble-ish windowsills and simple things like reversing the door in the bathroom for extra space. As well as the staircase all rooms were repainted, wooden doors and cupboard fitted in the downstairs bathroom, a refit of the upstairs bathroom, re-tiling of the downstairs floor and some really careful painting in the living room to expose some of the really old paint work in the room. I am so pleased with the results and I'm really happy to share photos.

The way we worked was for us to meet and discuss the scope of the job. I then spent some time writing up my detailed requirements. I used google sketchup to create some pictures of what I wanted and found photos on the web of stonework, stairs, tiles, bathroom furniture etc. This was useful as the builder could then send me photos back of what he's proposing. PMC then prepared a detailed quote - down to the m2 of paint to be used, number of tiles etc. I was happy with the quote and requested a few things to be removed to reduce the costs. Then Mario was in constant contact with me during the work - which took about 3 months over the winter. Lots of photos and updates, any changes in costs, any issues to be resolved were clearly detailed. I've since spoken to my neighbours who say that while the work was noisy, the team were really tidy and didn't work antisocial hours. In fact many of the neighbours had been in to visit the house before I did!

In summary, Mario, Inga and the team at PMC were fantastic - I couldn't have wanted a more responsive, considerate and pragmatic team working for me. If only I had another house in Croatia, I'd get them to repair that too!


Bryan Russell, Nagy Britanniából
"I have been asked to provide a reference for Property Management Croatia. I have no hesitation in recommending PMC and justifying it!

I bought a completely run down flat built into the walls of the Diocletian Palace in Split.

From the very beginning there were many problems to overcome, and I will include some of the major ones to underline the professionalism of the company.

In the first instance we had to draw up our refurbishment plans in conjunction with the architects (Croatian), interior designer (British), and the historic and cultural office covering the Palace. After that, PMC had to negotiate with prescribed builders (Only a few have permission to do building work in the Palace) and draw together the remainder of the tradesman, ensuring that they had the necessary experience to meet high and technically demanding standards of the project. The building work was carried out over a period of 8 months, with regular checks by the authorities.

Work included an advanced lighting system, heating and cooling systems, integrated sound system for each room, and the authorities demanded that many of the buildings features were restored rather than replaced. The team of builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and interior finishers all had to have their work coordinated by PMC, but nobody had anything but respect for them for the manner in which the job was completed.
In addition, a spread sheet was forwarded each month that listed payments to different tradesmen, showing the percentage of their work completed and confirmation of pre agreed staged payments.

The final challenge, if they needed one, was the importation of French Furniture and dealing with the customs office in Split in the week leading to Christmas. No part of this project was easy, but PMC ensured that it was completed!

I am thrilled and hugely relieved that PMC completed all this, and without any of the problems and breakdowns that we often hear about in builder client relations."


Bryan Russell, Nagy Britanniából
" A villa with a pool has many more enquiries from Overseas visitors than without. A large number of enquiries to Holiday agents start with 'Villa close to the sea with a pool'. I asked the PropertyManagementCroatia to incorporate a pool and patio for my villa on the island of Ciovo. Since it has been completed the number of bookings has improved massively and it has increased the value of the property. The work was done by local builders, organized and supervised completely by the PMC and it has been problem free since its completion 3 years ago. "

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